Charities we currently work with
Our collaborating charities and services support a wide range of people, each with different mental and / or physical additional needs. It is an honour and a joy to connect with, support, and learn from these groups.
Does your organisation support people with additional needs?
Want to try a yoga session for your service users?
Current Grants
Current Grants

Growth & Resilience Fund
(TSL) Third Sector Kirklees Partnership
Core Costs & Mentoring

Safe and Inclusive Fund
Trauma Informed Yoga Sessions for Women in Kirklees

Sport England
100 Yoga Sessions for Adults with Learning Disabilities in Kirklees

National Lottery – Awards For All
Partnership Yoga- Specialised delivery with a focus on supporting people with Dementia. Classes hosted with partner organisations across Kirklees, during 2024.

Sport England
Dementia Friendly Yoga for Older Adults

Ey Up funding – Tackling Health Inequalities
Accessible Yoga in Dewsbury- Hope Cafe. Yoga for Older Adults and Communities with Additional Needs, delivered at Hope Cafe

Supporting People at Risk of Diabetes
Yoga for Communities with Additional Needs, delivered in Dewsbury, with a focus on supporting pre-diabetic communities.

Yoga for Learning Disabilities
We have partnered with several day centres across Kirklees to deliver yoga sessions to their services users with Learning Disabilities. Our partners include Ability Options, Mencap, Connect, Waves, Active Care Newsome and Highfields.

National Lottery Awards for All
Yoga for Communities with Additional Needs, covering all demographics and locations across Kirklees. We are working with people with mental health struggles, migrant communities, people with addictions, trauma survivors and adults with conditions such as visual impairments.

One Community Thornton fund
One Community Thornton fund
Yoga for Adults with Learning Disabilities.
A 3-year project to develop our LD programmes and promote sustainable yoga practice in this demographic

One 17 Design
Yoga for Early Onset Dementia.

One Community Deighton & Brackenhall
One Community Deighton & Brackenhall
Yoga for parents and babies at Chestnut Centre

Jimmy Dickinson Fund
Jimmy Dickinson Fund
Yoga for Learning Disabilities

Do Something Now
200 Community Yoga sessions in North Kirklees
Completed Grants
Current Grants

Asda Green Token
Core Costs Support – Supporting Project Delivery Activities.

Locala Community Fund
YourYoga for Communities with Additional Needs, covering all Kirklees, funded from April to August 2023.

Mayor’s Safer Communities Fund
Yoga for Communities with Additional Needs, covering all demographics and the following local wards in Kirklees: Netherton, Batley West, Batley East and Newsome.

Capturing the Voice of Young people with Learning Disabilities
Yoga for parents, carers and young adults with Learning Disabilities. Collaborative project with community partners- including Our Creative Connection, Shabang,West Yorkshire keyworker service and Barnardos- working – to Capture the voice of young people with Autism and other learning disabilities.

“Well Connected” fund from Third Sector Leaders, Kirklees

Hopeful Families Yoga for parents in Netherton

“Well Being Activities – Community Champions” Third Sector Leaders, Kirklees